Past events
Relive the moments of artistic triumph and community engagement with Eric Sevigny's past events page. Explore highlights from previous exhibitions, collaborations, and artistic endeavors that have shaped the artist's journey.
February 2019 | Fevrier 2019
Saint-Tite, Qc, Canada
Dévoilement de la toile du 50e anniversaire de la Ligue de hockey junior majeur du Québec
Unveiling for the 50th anniversary painting of the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League
Dévoilement fait à la Classique Hivernale 2019
Unveiling at the LHJMQ Winter Classic 2019

Sat. July 6th | The Space
Unveiling of Grant Fuhr painting for Making Coco, the Grant Fuhr story movie premiere
Premiere of Making Coco: The Grant Fuhr Story in Las Vegas. Thank you to Grant Fuhr for being so generous of his person, thanks to Adam Scorgie for the wonderful film and thanks to Jason Laricchia, Mark Shunock, Andy Chung and everyone who made this event a success

Sat. April 6th 2019 | Châteauguay
Unveiling of Etienne Boulay painting for Governors of Hope Foundation
Unveiling of my painting Tribute of Etienne Boulay.
The auction to get this unique painting finished Saturday, April 6th.
Proceeds will be donated to the Governors of Hope Foundation to help sick children and help their parents.
Sat. August 11th 2018 | Gervais Auto Center
Unveiling of the painting for the 50th anniversary of the Shawinigan Cataractes
Unveiling of the painting for the 50th anniversary of the Shawinigan Cataractes. Major Junior Club for the QMJHL. It was presented and sold at auction for their annual Golf Tournament held last Thursday.